Monday, February 23, 2009

The artist within

I am a terrible artist - you can't even call me an artist. Having never taken a single art class in my life, the most challenging thing I have ever painted was a paint by number back when my age was only in the single digits. So, when I saw a picture of a "mod mural" in a Parents magazine I want it for Tyler's room yet I wondered if it was something that I could pull off. I tore the page from the magazine hoping that maybe Matt would pencil it on the wall and I could color it in.

So, this past week was the deciding time of whether or not to follow through with this idea. Matt was too busy with more important tasks (ie the fireplace) to draw lines on the wall for me, so the decision was all the harder. I, in a moment of impulsiveness, went to Spenards and ordered all the paint I would need...there - I was committed. And I did it, freehand. All by myself. I am pretty stinking proud of it too. Most would consider it a simplistic task but it was a hurdle to me. I know not every one will like the look of it, but Tyler loves it and so do I.


Matt & Naomi said...

It really does look good. I am real proud of Naomi's ability and am looking for this to be a start of more creative works.

Lisa said...

I love it!! You did a GREAT job!! :)